Learning to spend less and do more

theroadtothecemetry_storm_crypt_flickrOne of the key tenants of vagabonding is consuming less stuff, both on the road and at home. On the road less stuff means a lighter load, and at home buying less stuff gives you more spare cash to put toward the next trip.

We’ve also pointed out in the past that less stuff generally leads to a more fulfilling life. Study after study has shown that experience, not things, are what create memorable moments and lead to a happier existence.

Now it seems that, thanks in part to the recession, even non-vagabonds are waking up to the benefits of less stuff and more experiences.

A recent New York Times/CBS News poll found that nearly half of Americans are spending less time buying non-essentials, that is, we’re buying less useless stuff.

But what’s even more encouraging is that the same the poll found that, instead of spending our time in pursuit of stuff, we’re spending it doing things — everything from spending time with family and friends, to gardening, cooking, reading and “engaging in other hobbies,” as the poll puts it.

No, travel doesn’t make the short list, though the Times article does have an anecdote from a woman who’s perspective on stuff was changed by a trip abroad to Nicaragua.

Still, while not everyone translates less stuff into more travel, curtailing consumerism, even if it is out of necessity rather than desire, certainly seems like a healthy shift of cultural mores.

If you’re interested in learning so more ways to cut back on unnecessary stuff and put your money toward experience like long-term travel, be sure to check out the resources for lifestyle simplicity here on vagabonding.net or head over to some of the more popular blogs in financial advice community — sites like Get Rich Slowly, The Dollar Stretcher and The Simple Dollar all offer money saving tips and alternatives to buying stuff.

If you’re look for something new to do in your area — or somewhere you’re headed — that won’t cost a fortune check out the innovative search engine, Goby which is specifically designed to find things to do museum exhibits, free concerts and tons more.

[Photo credit: Storm Crypt, Flicker]

Posted by | Comments (1)  | January 5, 2010
Category: Lifestyle Design, Money Management, Simplicity

One Response to “Learning to spend less and do more”

  1. Web, Email, Logo Design | BrandleDesign Says:

    It took me a trip around the world to realize how much “stuff” we consume, especially in the US. I think it is difficult to remain in that money saving mentality though when you’re living in a society that constantly urges you to spend, spend, spend. It eventually wares on you unless you keep the perspective that what you’re spending now… you could be spending abroad. I think the biggest money buster that I have a tough time with is going out to bars and restaurants instead of cooking at home.

    Thanks for the resources Scott. I am checking them out now.
