Gifting across continents: Tracking your stuff

You might be familiar with Where’s George, the US Currency Tracking Project that allows you to go to the website, enter the serial number of a bill, and find out where it’s been before you (there’s also Where’s Willy to track Canadian money).  Often, bills that have been entered into this project have a small stamp on them with a link to the website, indicating that, at least once, someone registered them.

If you’re not familiar with BookCrossing, you should be! This organized regifting project does the same with books: encourages passing your old reads along by leaving them on park benches or tucked into someone’s gym bag, with information about BookCrossing and tracking information.

There’s also WrapSacks, “reusable fabric bags for waste-free holiday gift giving”.  These small, cute bags are decorative and useful, while having a trackable history which is reachable through the ID tag sewn into each one.  It also offers space to mark what you’ve put in each one, so you can see not only where the bag has gone, but also what went in it.

Why would you want to track your stuff?  Why not! If we like moving around the world, maybe our stuff does too.

Posted by | Comments (2)  | January 5, 2010
Category: General

2 Responses to “Gifting across continents: Tracking your stuff”

  1. brian | No Debt World Travel Says:

    I have a Where’s George bill in my wallet right now. I’ve gotten a couple in the past 5 years. Fun project.

  2. Brett Says:

    Site looks cool. A few years back I started noting the inside covers of my books with the date and place of reading. The tie between book and place adds a lot for me — and I’d think it would add an extra level of intrigue for the next reader.