When do you find time to write?

Hi everyone,

Here it is, my first post on the (in)famous Vagablogging.net! Hope you all enjoy what I have to say, and I’d love to hear what you think about everything!

So, with niceties out of the way; keeping a diary/blog/journal is a great way to remember your travels. Although it can be sometimes tedious, finding the effort to just jot a few thoughts and experiences from each day can really bring back some great times when all is said and done, and you are possibly back in the rat race.

The problem with these concepts is that the more you experience, the less time you have to write about it. It is a bit of a conundrum, because if you find yourself having an idle two weeks, twiddling thumbs, then what is there to write about?

I found that the best place to write about the travels is between destinations. While I’m travelling, I’m so busy booking flights, seeing sights, and having sleepless nights that, well, if I have two seconds to jot down what I did, let alone my thoughts, then I’m a lucky man.

The gap within all this trans-continental carnage is the flight. Four hours here, nine hours there; surprisingly, staring at the back of somebody else’s headrest for that sort of duration can be just the remedy for catching up with journals. It can give a bit of time to bring together thoughts, and sometimes one can even be inspired.

Finding the time to bring a masterpiece together can be a challenge. What are the strangest places you have found inspiration on your travels?

Posted by | Comments (1)  | August 2, 2008
Category: General

One Response to “When do you find time to write?”

  1. William (Thomas) Says:

    Inspiration strikes everywhere and at any time, sober or drunk.

    My moments tend to happen when drunk (or drinking). It’s not that, ‘Oh I’m never drinking again.’ kind of thing it’s more of a, ‘Wow all those thoughts in my head have stopped and I can think’. Like a few of my friends I have thoughts constantly whirling about in my head, even when I’m dead tired from hiking/traveling all day they are still there whirling about.

    Well on a trip to a Greek island called Paros I found that I can actually write more clearly, with more depth and actually paint with words the colorful scenes I have witnessed on my (mis)adventures if I’ve had a glass or two of wine in me.

    I know it’s nothing new to add to the world of writing, but I look back at my journal entries before this revelation/inspiration and they seems bland, dry and dull. So drink up and jot it down!

    (I don’t condone underage drinking or drink in excess amounts as well as drinking and camel jockeying.)