What makes us blind is that we think we see

“This is a truth about leaving the culture that raised you and crossing into another: We leave home with an arsenal of things we know about the place we’re going. There is no disarming all of what we know, no matter how much touching and kneading and feeling we do, no matter how much we think we’re trying. What makes us blind is that we think we see.”
–Alden Jones, The Blind Masseuse: A Traveler’s Memoir from Costa Rica to Cambodia (2013)

Posted by | Comments (2)  | October 27, 2014
Category: Travel Quote of the Day

2 Responses to “What makes us blind is that we think we see”

  1. Katie Says:

    Beautiful quote! Very profound. I think I’ll have to mull this one over for a while to grasp the full meaning. That and check out the book. Thanks for the recommendation!

  2. Jennifer Miller Says:

    Mmmm. Indeed. This applies to so much more than travel.