San Jose Mercury has pro-vagabonding article

I was up in the South Bay Area over Thanksgiving, staying at a friends’ house in Woodside and wondering why people thought it was a good idea to give us three pies AND some flan, when I happened to flip through the newspaper and saw this article.  About the mentioned couple’s idea of selling up and shipping out, Cassidy says:

It sounds nuts. And wonderful.

See, Demant and Duckworth weren’t setting out on a vacation in the midst of recession. They were setting out on a new life. A life that might mean there is no place like home — as in no place to call home. They’re trying out the idea of “location independence,” the notion that you can work from anywhere or nowhere in particular, at any time of day or night. Of course, you have to find the right line of work.

But people do it.

Indeed they do!  The right line of work, I’d venture, even comes along and hits you in the head once you follow your dream.  Go vagabond!  It beats shopping till you drop in the name of forwarding the economy.

Posted by | Comments (1)  | December 8, 2009
Category: Notes from the collective travel mind

One Response to “San Jose Mercury has pro-vagabonding article”

  1. Lindsey Says:

    Professional vagabonding! Short success story- Last December I picked up a book with a title on the spine that honestly wasn’t in my vocabulary- Vagabonding- it gave me a twist on the perspective of travel. It was chocked full of web sites and quotes. Then come February I found the author was speaking at a travel conference…so I high-tailed it to California! It was him who I heard first udder the words Location Independence! I then joined an LIP business network and got myself all set up. Granted I’ve never lead the normal American life for my age but just knowing there were global citizens out there gave me the confidence I needed to keep this crazy notion running.
    I am now a week into my first professional vagabonding Location Independent venture! And I’m loving it! The rest of the world is now open to my exploration!