Professor Cahill’s Travel 101: Rule #8 (in part)

“There are places where you are expected to bargain and sharpies who want to take advantage of you. Unfortunately, too many people who think of themselves as ‘world travelers’ become obsessed with money. It’s loathsome to see some young trekker arguing for an hour with an elderly woman over a fifteen-cent charge for an afternoon of washing clothes. Too often money, and the process of saving money, becomes the entire point of traveling. If the nature of your quest is financial, stay home and get into arbitrage.”
–Tim Cahill, Hold the Enlightenment (2002)

Posted by | Comments (1)  | May 16, 2003
Category: Travel Quote of the Day

One Response to “Professor Cahill’s Travel 101: Rule #8 (in part)”

  1. mike Says:

    I couldn’t agree more. I’ve seen travelers badgering some of the poorest people in the world over $.10.

    Even worse is the bargaining one-upmanship: “Dude, you’re paying $2 for your guest house? I got her down to $1.25!”

    Nobody likes getting ripped off, but it’s important not to bargain the joy out of traveling.