Professor Cahill’s Travel 101: Rule #6

Rule 6: Stop whining. If you’re cold and wet, it’s a good bet that everyone else in your party is too. Why should they listen to you talk about what they already know? Travel is boring enough as it is. * Rule 6, corollary 1: This can’t be stressed enough: No one wants to hear about your last bowel movement.”
–Tim Cahill, Hold the Enlightenment (2002)

Posted by | Comments (3)  | May 14, 2003
Category: Travel Quote of the Day

3 Responses to “Professor Cahill’s Travel 101: Rule #6”

  1. Jen Says:

    Amen. This is good advice that I’ll have to try my best to remember. When I hear other people bitching unnecessarily my first thought is, “would you like some cheese with that whine?” But it’s even harder to self monitor the moans.

  2. Rolf Says:

    Whining can be contagious as well. Even if you’re trying to avoid complaining, it can be easy to fall into a bitch session with other travelers. Whenever I find myself doing this, I just go for a walk. Usually I can find something — a sight or a person or a moment — that’s more worthwhile than whatever I was griping about.

  3. Jen Says:

    Keep that advice for your next book or quoteable quotes from Rolf Potts. That is, if you haven’t already. I like it. Good attitudes and firm handshakes are proven to take people farther than they could have ever imagined.