More reasons to travel: special events in 2008

The 100th anniversary of New York City’s ball drop a few days ago seems an apropos way to start the year. 2008 is stacking up as a year of anniversaries and special events. No doubt the organizers will throw an extra handful of confetti and add extra ways to honor these special occasions—you might want to make a point of being there.

Here’s a short list, but let me know if I’ve missed anything noteworthy.

February 17: Daytona 500’s 50th anniversary, Daytona Beach, Florida

April 19-27: 75th anniversary of Virginia’s Historic Garden Week

May 25: Buenos Aires’ opera house, Teatro Colón, to re-open on its 100-year anniversary

June 14-September 14: Expo 2008, Zaragoza, Spain

July 11-13: National Folk Festival’s 70th anniversary, Butte, Montana

August 8-24: XXIX Olympic Games, Beijing, China

August 20-30: Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration’s 70th anniversary, Shelbyville, Tennessee

Quebec City’s 400th anniversary

Liverpool, England and Stavanger, Norway are 2008 European Capitals of Culture

Minnesota’s 150th anniversary

British Columbia’s 150th anniversary

150th Anniversary of the Apparitions, Lourdes, France

Anne of Green Gables’ 100th anniversary, Prince Edward Island, Canada

Posted by | Comments (5)  | January 2, 2008
Category: Notes from the collective travel mind

5 Responses to “More reasons to travel: special events in 2008”

  1. Pablo Says:

    Teatro Colón will not re open in 2008.
    It will be closed for restoration, the Buenos Aires city government has announced it will reopen soon but there is no definite date yet.
    They have also cancelled the 2008 opera season at the alternative venues (Teatro Coliseo).

  2. Alison Brick Says:

    Pablo, thanks for the tip. All sources had pointed to ‘go’ but I know how things like this can change.

  3. Billiga Flyg Till Koh Samui Says:

    You have given the best reasons to travel. The special events given by you to travel are making many people attract towards traveling.

  4. Sherry Says:

    If anyone is headed out my way (Daytona Beach), say hi! There’s also Bike Week (February 29 – March 9, 2008).

  5. babatunde Says:

    i will like to be informed on registration procesess for july and august programmes.