International calls on the cheap

Dealing with phone cards and other vagaries of international calling can be a major pain. Matt Gross, the New York Times journalist who does the “Frugal Traveler” column, has the perfect system worked out.

In his article, Staying in Touch Internationally, on the Cheap, he presents the details of his calling system. It makes use of SIM cards, Skype, and handy software that enables Skype on iPhones. This way, he can make calls inexpensively, and his friends and family can contact him without fear of huge phone bills.

Do you have any creative solutions for international calls? Post your hot tips in the comments.

The SIM card selection of Tony Wheeler, founder of Lonely Planet

The SIM card selection of Tony Wheeler, founder of Lonely Planet

Posted by | Comments (4)  | April 3, 2009
Category: General, Travel News, Vagabonding Advice

4 Responses to “International calls on the cheap”

  1. Byteful Traveller Says:

    Skype heard the call of its users and has released a version for the iPhone and iPod touch. All you need is headphones with a microphone.

    Pretty amazing:

  2. Says:

    Thanks for the information on SKYPE. I have it on my laptop & only used it once which was to test it. I know someone who is traveling right now and she’s had issues with SIM cards. I’m not sure if they are too expensive or if she could not get one that she was looking for. I would like to get an iPhone…it would be easier than traveling with a laptop.

  3. Natasha Mazhar Says:

    Hi guys,

    I recently stumbled across a site called Map Your number ( after having searched many different sites for a really cheap and effective way to call my family and friends abroad I believe this to be the best. These guys put all their calls through BT which means that you will receive the highest quality connection possible. This service doesn’t require you to subscribe, get a calling card and you don’t even need a credit card. All you need to do is get onto their website and follow three simple steps and they will have you up and running within minutes. They offer the cheapest rates available.

    Good Luck guys give it a go and see what you think!

  4. Tanya Mir Says:

    I have also been using Map Your Number. They have just started call through numbers which are brilliant as they are instant way to call your friends and family abroad. I’m an Orange customer so have been using my inclusive minutes to make cheap