How much money do you need to vagabond?

For anyone considering a year or more of travel, one of the key considerations is of course money and how to finance the trip.

Or if you’re location independent and work from anywhere, you might be wondering how much money you need to earn and where the most cost effective places to earn a living are.

Whilst it might not be the most scientifically-calculated analysis ever completed, I sat down last weekend and went through all our expenses from a year of travelling. The results are here.

The answer I was trying to find was this: does a life of permanent travel cost more or less than living in one place? You might be surprised by the answer.

Posted by | Comments (6)  | March 13, 2008
Category: Notes from the collective travel mind

6 Responses to “How much money do you need to vagabond?”

  1. seriously Says:

    It’s not vagabonding if you have loads of money.

    Vagabonding is making small money occasionally by busking, crafts etc.

    If you stay in a hotel you aren’t vagabonding.