Everywhere magazine: submit your travel stories and photos

Ready to see your travel story or photo in print? There’s a new travel magazine that exists solely to help that happen.

The cover of Everywhere magazine’s premiere Jan/Feb issue says it all: “The new magazine made by you. Created by the world’s smartest travel experts—our readers.”

The submission process seems pretty easy: after you’ve written your story and shot your photos, upload them to their website. The online community makes the first round of cuts, then the editors make the final cuts.

Those whose stories or photos are chosen for print get $100 and a one-year subscription to the magazine. Their Contribute page lists what they’re looking for—whether specifically for the next issue (Slow Travel, Copenhagen, Miami) or recurring (Roadside Attractions, Hotel Window).

Some upsides for the writer: you can submit your finished story rather than having to pitch your story idea. And because it’s a start-up magazine, you’ll probably have less competition.

But beyond that, I like the spin that the new magazine puts on the publishing world. Rather than competing with the web, the magazine actually plays off it—pulling info via the web and using the online community to make the printed version work.

The magazine’s CEO/Publisher, Paul Cloutier, puts it this way:

“Many people believe the web is going to kill off print magazines, but we think just the opposite: By combining the vitality and depth of the Internet with the tactile, inspirational quality of print, we want to make magazines more relevant than ever before.”

The magazine may have a small distribution, since I spotted it in a bookstore only recently, several weeks after its debut. Overall, it’s a smart-lookin’ magazine with a strong format and design. I thought that some of the writing could’ve used a bit more punch, but by the same token I liked the easy nature of the stories “America by Biodiesel” and “Proper Snow Cave Etiquette.” I’ll be looking out for the next issues.

Posted by | Comments (1)  | February 12, 2008
Category: Notes from the collective travel mind

One Response to “Everywhere magazine: submit your travel stories and photos”

  1. Sherry Says:

    Thanks for the heads-up!