Douglas Coupland on why so few people go vagabonding

option paralysis: The tendency, when given unlimited choices, to make none.”
–Douglas Coupland, Generation X (1991)

Posted by | Comments (3)  | February 8, 2003
Category: Travel Quote of the Day

3 Responses to “Douglas Coupland on why so few people go vagabonding”

  1. Andie Says:

    Being from the ‘third world’, this was my first experience of an LA supermarket. I like having just three channels.

  2. Desperate Says:

    where the hell do we find info on Douglas Coupland’s style of writting, or anything else for that matter???? Please help!!!!!!!!! PPPLLLLEEEAAASSSSSSSEEEEEEEE. We have an assignment due on friday May 23, 2003. Please i beg you to help us. Thanks a Bunch

  3. Desperate Says:

    i forgot to put my email… i was the last question asked. so here it is. Please resopond ASAP Thanks a Bunch Desperate:)