Celebrating the Worst in Travel

The Titanic Awards

The Titanic Awards. Screenshot from Johnnyjet.com

While we all crave that perfect sunset, that misty mountain, that heavenly beach, the real world of vagabonding is full of more annoying experiences. Need a place to vent your frustration?

Then check out The Titanic Awards, created by travel writer Doug Lasky. The awards are given to those travel experiences that achieve the dubious honor of being the worst: the airline that’s most likely to lose your bags, the city that’s pedestrian-unfriendly, etc.

The site could easily be a rant-filled vengeance fest, but the editors save it with a deliciously irreverent tone. See this quote from the founders:

“You see critical reviews of books, movies and plays in the media, but when was the last time you saw someone say a destination was awful? Or that they disliked a fancy new resort?  Hard to imagine Islands Magazine with a cover that boasts “Five Islands that Totally Suck!”

The About page also has interviews with some top travel writers waxing poetic on the horrors they’ve endured while on the road. Notable personalities include Tony Wheeler (Lonely Planet founder) and Martin Dunford (Rough Guides publisher).

As per a Web 2.0 site, users are encouraged to submit their own worst experiences. In addition to entertainment value, the site could also help steer vagabonders away from particular travel landmines.

Posted by | Comments (3)  | September 4, 2009
Category: Travel News

3 Responses to “Celebrating the Worst in Travel”

  1. Travel-Writers-Exchange.com Says:

    Thanks for the link to The Titanic Awards. It’s refreshing to know there’s a place to “vent” about your travel frustrations. More importantly it will help other travelers when they plan their next trip.

    You can find travel writing that consists of personal experiences (usually enlightenment), reviews, and cultural/political aspects of travel. No one ever writes about their awful stay at a swanky five-star hotel or the island that didn’t measure up to the website/brochure. It’s about time travel gets real!

  2. Zach Says:

    Appropriate name for such an honor!

  3. happy camper Says:

    Do they have a US Airways division? Or would you need a separate web portal for that?