Big attractions, no entrance fee: priceless

A few weeks ago I looked at suggestions for saving on European travel. But what if the places you visited weren’t just cheaper, but free?

A recent article in the San Francisco Chronicle reminds us how many great landmarks don’t charge admission—and we’re not just talking about visiting the Obscure Museum of Mothballs.

Hawaii’s USS Arizona Memorial: free
Rome’s Pantheon: free
London’s National Gallery: free

The article gives us a short list of about 20 sights in the US and Europe, but it’s easy to look for similar spots wherever you’re traveling. Just think of them in terms of these categories:

• Antiquities and ancient ruins
• Government monuments and memorials
• Natural wonders and scenic drives
• Urban parks and districts
• Major buildings and bridges
• Churches and cathedrals
• Museums and exhibitions
• Factory and industrial tours

This list of categories seems longer than I would’ve expected, and that’s a refreshing thought. It’s nice to be reminded that we have options, isn’t it?

Posted by | Comments (1)  | July 16, 2008
Category: Notes from the collective travel mind

One Response to “Big attractions, no entrance fee: priceless”

  1. Mike in AZ Says:

    Hey your post is really refreshing in this Spend, Spend, Spend world. You mention bridges and you referred to an article in The San Francisco Chronicle.
    I spent a weekend in San Fransisco and I swear the best way to see it is with my friend Allen. Allen is local native that LOVES the city and makes you eager to return. I know he works real cheap as he is a recovering mortgage guy. Whether he takes you to the best place in town for a fish sandwich, that melts in your mouth, a restaurant that over-feeds you and/or his tour of THE BRIDGE you too will be eager to return.