Travel quote: Shel Silverstein

“Listen to the mustn’ts, child. Listen to the don’ts. Listen to the shouldn’ts, the impossibles, the won’ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me… Anything can happen, child. Anything can be.”

I have carried this quote from Shel Silverstein around with me for quite some time. Aside from it being generally inspirational, I can’t help but feel that it applies heavily to travel and the vagabonding lifestyle, as well. A lot of us start out getting a lot of criticism or negativity from those around us when we tell them we are embarking on long-term travel, or organizing a lifestyle where travel is a maximum priority. A lot of times, instead of being met with excitement about our journey, all we hear are fears and condescending remarks.
This quote urges us to be mindful of all of these voices of caution, to calmly hear them out and take what we can from them. However, the truth in the last two lines I feel applies greatly to travel. On the road, truly anything can happen. As travelers we try to yield to the spontaneity of the moment for the very reason of experiencing these unique moments. Shel Silversteins’ quote reminds me of the infinite possibilities the road can bring.

Posted by | Comments (4)  | April 27, 2011
Category: Travel Quote of the Day

4 Responses to “Travel quote: Shel Silverstein”

  1. Travel quote: Shel Silverstein | Travel Guide And Holiday Says:

    […] Vagablogging :: Rolf Potts Vagabonding Blog Related Posts:Vagabonding Case Study: Gary MisnerVagabonding Case Study: Logan and BriannaVagabonding Case Study: Sherry OttLoving where you live10 small strategies that will improve your journey […]

  2. A Travel Quote from Shel Silverstein Says:

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