Some days the best plan for travel is not having a plan

“I hit the streets every day with no real plan besides walking and seeing what happens or taking a taxi across town and finding my way back. Or I look out the top of the hotel and see an area and say, okay, I’m going there today—that slum, that village. I go through souks and bazaars and stores. People come up and ask, “My friend, what are you doing here?” My icebreaker is, “I’m here to meet you.””
–Henry Rollins, “Punk Rock World Traveler,” World Hum, November 2, 2011

Posted by | Comments (1)  | July 30, 2012
Category: Travel Quote of the Day

One Response to “Some days the best plan for travel is not having a plan”

  1. Some days the best plan for travel is not having a plan « anchorite Says:

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