Solo travel art project: Photo scavenger hunt

Letter H in alphabet scavenger

Sometimes as a solo traveler you need a bit more amusement; you don’t have someone to tell you offensive jokes or about their first sexual experience, and you’re tired of staring out the train windows at scenery or communicating by hand gestures and large grins at local small children.  So then it’s fun to set yourself little art projects.

The easiest one to do is a photo scavenger hunt.  Most travelers carry cameras these days, and dedicated Vagabonds probably like to document their whole weird and wonderful daily world and send pics home to family members to a) explain why we do what we do, and b) make them jealous.  So a photo scavenger hunt doesn’t need anything more than what you already have: your camera, and an eye.

Letter I in alphabet scavenger hunt

A photo scavenger hunt just means setting yourself a list of possible photo subjects and trying to get them all.  Here are some ones to start off with:

– every letter of the alphabet, in order

Letter M in alphabet scavenger hunt

– some shade of every color

– representations of local idioms (you know how they say “March is in like a lion, out like a light”? Figure out how to say that in photography)

– only people in the same age group (roughly)

– people in consecutive ages (someone who’s one, then two, etc.)

– pick your favorite book or poem and try to write out the narrative behind it in pictures

Posted by | Comments Off on Solo travel art project: Photo scavenger hunt  | September 14, 2010
Category: General, Images from the road, On The Road, Solo Travel, Vagabonding Advice

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