Setting the tone for the year ahead

Sunrise Paddling on the North Canadian RiverI’m not a fan of once-a-year resolutions. I usually try to be mindful—throughout each week, month and year—to make changes and adjustments in my life as I need them. Just like those yearly resolutions, sometimes my intentions work and sometimes they don’t. That’s why, every Jan. 1, I try to set the tone for my year ahead.

What do I want to do in the coming year? Travel? Write? Kayak? Get more organized about my work? Go on local adventures with my dog? Clean house? Yes to all the above, except the cleaning house part. In the week leading up to Jan. 1, I make sure that my first day of the year will be filled with things I’d like to do for the next 12 months.

Superstitious? Perhaps. But it’s my clean-slate New Year’s ritual. Instead of listing things for the year, I start right away by putting them into action. That head start helps me tackle the more difficult items (such as being organized), especially when they’re not as fun as, say, traveling or walking the dog.

Ultimately, the best way to start your year (whether resolutions, self-assessments, actions, or nothing) is what works for you. What does work for you, by the way?

Posted by | Comments (2)  | January 1, 2010
Category: General

2 Responses to “Setting the tone for the year ahead”

  1. Phil Says:

    I like the idea posted earlier about a manifesto – more of a vector than a to-do list. Last year I started a scrapbook of my ideal life, using pics clipped from magazines. I followed this with pics of my real life…and was surprised at the overlap. My real life differed from my ideal life in degree and intensity, but it was on the right track.

    Starting with a clean slate sounds like a good idea too. Very kaizen.

  2. Says:

    Many people make resolutions and stick with them for a bout two weeks or less. It’s best to set attainable goals and write down what you “really” desire for your life. Would you like to travel more? Do you want to write for a magazine? Question yourself and go deep within to find the answers.