Group travel without the organizational nightmare

On February 10th, 2016

Canada IslandSome of the potential drawbacks of group travel are often the very perks of a solo trip: no arguments over where or when to go, no mismatched food tastes, unbalanced fitness levels or clashing differences in hygiene habits. When you’re alone, you’re free to make any and every decision without worry of offending one of your travel mates. But solo trips, while often liberating, can also be quite lonely.

For those of you more inclined to hit the road with a travel partner, there’s a new website to help simplify the process of planning your group trip. So grab your friends, and meet Triporama.

According to the site’s development blog, the idea surfaced after a group of friends struggled to organize a summer trip to Mexico. “As anyone who has ever planned a detailed group trip can tell you, the phone calls and emails are fun at first … But quickly they become less enjoyable by having to decide on things like, ‘Where’s the best place to stay for the budget?’”

Triporama is the end result – an astonishingly easy, wiki-like website to get you and your friends on the same wavelength before the big trip.

The site – which requires (free) registration – has four main sections, each editable by the group members who have accepted the invite to your particular Triporama page. These sections include a rudimentary message board, a place to share related links and travel details, as well as a handy poll generator for a democratic approach to choosing the more important options of the trip.

While there’s plenty of room for more advanced features, the sites simplistic approach is refreshing. This makes it extremely easy to use, even for those who might not be as Internet-savvy as yourself.

Photo Credit: RachelH