Glimpse Foundation sponsors writing contest

Glimpse Foundation has announced its Fall 2007 Writing Contest: “Bon Appetit,” based on the subject of food and eating while abroad. The first-place winner will receive $250 in STA airfare and a one-year subscription to Glimpse Quarterly. Submissions should be 800-1500 words. If emailed, they are due Monday, November 5; if mailed, they must be postmarked by Monday, October 29.

The topic is ripe with potential, whether you focus on an especially unusual dish or ponder the eating rituals of your dinner companions. If don’t know where to begin, consider these pointers from Glimpse:

Do not begin your story on the plane. We don’t want to hear about your plane ride. We want to hear about a particularly memorable meal you had while abroad.

Detail, detail, detail. Think sounds, sights, tastes, smells. Describe the mealtime conversation. Take us there!

Please don’t tell us that your overseas venture was the “experience of a lifetime.” That’s pretty much stating the obvious — regardless of whether or not the experience was good or bad.

For a better idea of what Glimpse is looking for, read the winning entry for the 2006 Contest, “The Controversial Teacher” by Josiah Johnston.

Glimpse is an online community of young adults that promotes cross-cultural learning and exchange through studying, working, and volunteering abroad. With help of a grant from the National Geographic Society, the non-profit has been able to expand and now features full-time staff, newsletter, blogs, and annual writing and photo contests. Check out their directory for volunteer opportunities, or contribute a blog on one of the topics that interests you (from Culture Shock to Off the Beaten Path).

Posted by | Comments Off on Glimpse Foundation sponsors writing contest  | October 2, 2007
Category: Notes from the collective travel mind

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