Free VGB Vagabonding stickers!


Four years ago, while on tour to promote Vagabonding, I printed up a bunch of “VGB” stickers (pictured above) to give away at book signings. Originally, these stickers were to read “VAG,” though this idea was shot down when my publicist told me that, ahem, I shouldn’t encroach on the territory of another Random House book, The Vagina Monologues. So VGB it was.

Recently, while going through my belongings, I realized that I have several dozen of these stickers left over after all these years. If you’re interested in getting one (to put on your car or laptop as a self-motivating reminder of an upcoming vagabonding journey, or merely to have for your incipient travel-themed sticker collection) just send a self-addressed stamped envelope (with enough postage to get to wherever in the world you are) to:

Rolf Potts (VGB)
c/o Mike & Kristin Marlett
1222 Pearce
Wichita, KS 67203

We’ll toss a sticker or two in for you and send it back your way. Feel free to send us a note, or a sticker of your own!

Posted by | Comments (8)  | September 19, 2007
Category: Book Release and Tour Diary

8 Responses to “Free VGB Vagabonding stickers!”

  1. mary pegatinas Says:

    I think I may get one of those and send you some of mine. 🙂 I make stickers so I have a few that are unique for giving out.

  2. Joshua Berman Says:

    The only problem is, where do I stick it? Shouldn’t there be a VGB patch for my backpack?

  3. Rolf Says:

    That’s a great idea, Joshua!

  4. scott mackellick Says:

    hey, how can i get the free stickers? thats all i want. i dont much care about anything else.

  5. Sean Says:

    This post is a bit dated now, but is it still possible to get one of these stickers?

  6. Rolf Says:

    Yes, there are still some left!

  7. Swabi Says:

    Guys i want some free stickers too..

  8. Tony Says:

    I would like to get a sticker are there any available.?