Two cool new travel columns

I’ve been enjoying Planet Eye‘s new Global Nomad blog that is written by Brendan Powell as he travels around the world with his girlfriend. He began writing in January 2008 from Costa Rica and has worked his way through Belize, Brazil, Uruguay and now he is in Argentina. His writing is revealing and fun, and he’s good with photos. A must check out!

Another column that hasn’t started yet, but is one of those you read about and just know you’d want to follow — that of Robin Esrock at Brave New Traveler. The lucky bugger managed to snag a TV show deal of him traveling across 26 countries over the next 12-months. He will be blogging from the road about travel, life on the road, and being behind the camera. More details on him and the show at Modern Gonzo.

Posted by | Comments (2)  | June 30, 2008
Category: Travel News

2 Responses to “Two cool new travel columns”

  1. ian Says:

    thanks for the mention of robin’s new column on BNT. The first is actually out now


  2. jean Says:

    The Global Nomad blog reads nice.