Eurolines: Budget travel options in Europe

Recently here in Vagablogging we talked about train travel in Europe, and the pros and cons of certain money saving options. Every year it seems like it gets harder and harder to travel Europe on the cheap. For those travelers looking for a way around those heavy train ticket prices, you might want to check out Eurolines. Booking with this bus service will significantly reduce the price of overland travel throughout Europe. Eurolines services hundreds of destinations throughout Europe and even offers a travel pass that allows you to travel to unlimited destinations for either 15 or 30 days. With transportation making up the largest expense for travelers, this might be one way to save some money and get a little bit more out of your travels.

Posted by | Comments (5)  | May 24, 2010
Category: Europe, Travel Bargains

5 Responses to “Eurolines: Budget travel options in Europe”

  1. Anita Says:

    Well, to be honest: I actually suggest to take airplanes between the states – much cheaper at the moment if it’s the money you want to save.

  2. Colleen Wilde Says:

    Maybe with carriers like Ryanair, Anita. Yes, they are very cheap. However, I enjoy the scenic meditation of overland travel and, with Eurolines, you can get around to a lot of destinations just as cheaply.

  3. Anita Says:

    Ryanair, AirBerlin, Easyjet, etc … there are appr. 20 different ones.
    Yes, I understand the earthbound, more scenic views and would usually agree with you. However, if I want to visit a specific country on the opposite sides of Europe though – say Norway and then Greece – I’d take a flight in between and then use buses inside the country.
    Another cheap option to travel from one city or country to another is hitching a ride/car-pooling over the internet, for example here: That actually becomes more and more popular.

  4. Toby Says:

    Eurolines from Utrecht –> Mannheim was probably one of the most terrifying experiences of my life. That driver had clearly been up for 24 hours and was swerving all over the place.