Being Silly in Other Places

The number one thing to remember while planning to be silly in other places is that other cultures might not be so welcoming of your silliness as your own.  On the other hand, finding a community of ex-pats who might be longing for some silliness can help you feel more at home, and also gives you something to do in the evening when you might not necessarily have other plans, and watching TV no longer sounds like fun.

Who can facilitate your silliness?

  • Santacon — Usually happens in December, go figure.  But this website contains listings for many places around the world, and allows you to mail in your own listing.
  • — Listings for round-the-world flashmobs, and ways to get involved with them.  Don’t know what a flashmob is?
  • Improv Everywhere — A great New York-based art collective with goofy ideas and a yen for having other people do silly stuff.  Get ideas and ask for help implementing them, here.
  • Meetup — Use to organize your silly activity.  You can also use Facebook, or even Twitter.
  • Where the Hell is Matt?  — The ultimate guy who made doing something silly a worldwide cultural phenomenon and used it to fund his traveling.
(Photo from Flickr: Burstein)

Posted by | Comments (2)  | March 10, 2009
Category: Notes from the collective travel mind

2 Responses to “Being Silly in Other Places”

  1. tim Says:

    Where’d you get the idea that this culture welcomes your silliness, Claire?

  2. Claire Litton Says:

    Well, put it this way; you’re unlikely to get thrown in jail for being silly in Canada or the United States. Otherwise, I just force my silliness on my culture and pretend they’re okay with it. 🙂