2010 Travel resolutions

newyearI’m done with the typical New Year’s resolutions. Every year I say I’m going to eat better, exercise more, do laundry on a regular basis. And every year, by March I’m back to my old eating habits, lounging on the couch, with a pile of laundry as tall as my 6-year old niece staring at me from the corner of the room. So this year, I’m concentrating on travel resolutions – and none of those “pack lighter, get to the airport earlier” resolutions either.

My travel resolution is to try one new thing on every trip. Whether it be a new food, a new activity, learning a new skill, or just doing something I wouldn’t normally do, I want to push myself to get out my travel routines. On nearly every trip I take, I take a cooking class. Maybe next time I’ll learn a local craft instead. I also go horseback riding on my travels whenever I can. While I can still do that, perhaps I’ll also take a surfing lesson or try my hand at rock climbing.

Unlike my diet resolutions, I’m off to a good start on this one already. In a few days, I’ll be going on a shark dive in South Africa. Maybe this will be one resolution that I can actually keep.

What are your travel resolutions this year?

Photo credit: Amir K. via Flickr

Posted by | Comments (5)  | December 30, 2009
Category: Vagabonding Advice

5 Responses to “2010 Travel resolutions”

  1. Rolf Says:

    To spend more time vagabonding and less time talking about vagabonding. (Nothing against talking about vagabonding — I had some sweet speaking opportunities in ’09 — but I’m jonesing for some serious international long-term travel in ’10.)

  2. New Year’s Travel Resolutions on Twitter | Venere Travel Blog Says:

    […] Adventure Travel : Vagablogging tweets about his travel resolution for 2010 which is to try new things on every trip. […]