Your culture affects every aspect of your life

“Our culture is our routine of sleeping, bathing, dressing, eating, and getting to work. It is our household chores and the actions we perform on the job; the way we buy goods and services, write and mail a letter, take a taxi or board a bus, make a telephone call, go to a movie, or attend church. It is the way we greet friends or address a stranger, the admonitions we give our children and the way we respond, what we consider good and bad manners, and even to a large extent what we consider right and wrong. All these and thousands of other ways of thinking, feeling, and acting seem so natural and right that we may even wonder how else one could do it. But to millions of other people in the world every one of these acts would seem strange, awkward, incomprehensible, unnatural, or wrong. These people would perform many, if not all, of the same acts, but they would be done in different ways that to them would seem logical, natural, and right.”
–Ina Corinne Brown, Understanding Other Cultures (1963)

Posted by | Comments (3)  | May 16, 2011
Category: Travel Quote of the Day

3 Responses to “Your culture affects every aspect of your life”

  1. Your Culture Affects Every Aspect of Your Life Says:

    […] Your culture affects every aspect of your life. Indeed. […]