“Wwoof” your way around the globe

Are you looking for a different kind of travel experience and don’t mind getting a little dirty? Does picking olives in Portugal, preserving native flora and fauna in Panama, or planting herbs in Norway sound appealing to you? If so, you might consider becoming a “wwoofer” when planning your next trip. WWOOF (World-Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms) is an organization that connects farm hosts and willing volunteers all over the world.

Check out their website, where you can sign up as a member, link to different countries’ WWOOF websites, and order lists of host farms. As a wwoofer, you’re sure to get a taste of country life, learn about organic farming methods, and find a new purpose for your travels.

Posted by | Comments (2)  | January 19, 2007
Category: Notes from the collective travel mind

2 Responses to ““Wwoof” your way around the globe”

  1. Leslie Tuel Says:

    Mom gives 1st blog a “thumbs-up”. Way to go!

  2. sophie Says:

    you may be interested in the new website for wwoofing in central portugal: http://www.wwoofcentralportugal.org