Would you take your car on your RTW trip?

The issue of packing for a RTW trip is one that comes up time and again, and can be one of the most difficult parts of taking a long-term journey somewhere. Most people are focused on how many pairs of underwear to bring, or whether they can justify including both a hairbrush and a comb – but some travelers have bigger issues.

BootsnAll member Cemesis is currently planning a RTW trip, which will take him through the Americas, New Zealand, Australia, Asia and Europe – among other places. He seems to be nonplussed about many of the things which might ordinarily worry someone planning this kind of adventure, but he does have a question for other travelers. Should he bring his Land Cruiser along for the trip?

Both [taking a stripped-down trip with very little “stuff” and making the trip in a Land Cruiser] have huge merits and massive disadvantages. I’m a keen photography and wanted to take some photos as well as write about the journey. My cameras are quite expensive and whilst I’d probably only take one, its a massive security concern of mine. Dossing in hostels with a £2k camera will always keep me on my toes and I wonder if I could ever relax. I could just take a cheapy one but thats not what I want, I want the quality that I get from my photos at the moment.

Having a vehicle that I could store these things in would be much better but I’d be stuck with it all the time and when I wanted to visit somewhere without it (like a cruise upto Alaska) I’d have to leave it somewhere for weeks and must return to the same spot to collect it.

You know those situations where you’ve thought about something so much you can’t see straight anymore? Well, Cemesis sounds like he can no longer get his head around this issue, so he’s looking for some input. Join the conversation and let him know what you think – is he crazy for even considering doing a RTW trip in a vehicle, or do you wish you’d had a car on your adventure?

Posted by | Comments (2)  | April 18, 2008
Category: Notes from the collective travel mind

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