We live in holy times

“There were no formerly heroic times, and there was no formerly pure generation. There is no one here but us chickens, and so it always has been: a people busy and powerful, knowledgeable, ambivalent, important, fearful, and self-aware; a people who scheme, promote, deceive, and conquer; who pray for their loved ones, and long to flee misery and skip death. It is a weakening and discoloring idea that rustic people knew God personally once up a time — or even knew selflessness or courage or literature — but that is too late for us. In fact, the absolute is available to everyone in every age. There never was a more holy time than ours, and never a less.”
–Annie Dillard, For the Time Being (1999)

Posted by | Comments (1)  | August 20, 2003
Category: Travel Quote of the Day

One Response to “We live in holy times”

  1. Ron Mader Says:

    Lovely Dillard quote. FYI, I caught up to this via Rob Brezsny