Vagabonding over, now what?

I know I’ve been dwelling on my transition phase for the last few or more posts. But it’s only really been over a month; yes, I’m allowing myself full grievance time. I’m still questioning my move back to Dubai, still wondering whether my career is as important as I thought it was.

I was speaking to an aunt the other day, and she said to me: “A career isn’t as important as being self-sufficient.” But I was self-sufficient living in Madrid and vagabonding around Europe. I didn’t worry about recession, redundancy, or need for security. So was teaching English in Madrid as bad as sitting at a desk all day coming up with marketing strategy?

I guess I’m having a bad day. I enjoy my new job, but wish I had the liberty of not staying at my desk all day; as long as the work gets done, does it matter? Maybe then I can work from Thailand? Ok, I’m pushing it.

I’m also thinking about my life goals for this year. When I was on the road, I was on such a high that I felt no need to have specific goals. This year, I want to visit a new country, learn Arabic, and move out of my parents house. I think I need such goals to keep my life interesting.

I truly hope this is not the end of vagabonding in my life. I’ve left it all once, I can do it again. However, I do know that I need to give my “corporate” life a chance before I make any other decisions.

On that note, I’m still reading post-vagabonding stuff. Although the author of this piece is not done with his travels, it’s a good read at AlmostFearless. Happy Tuesday.

Posted by | Comments (4)  | January 20, 2009
Category: General

4 Responses to “Vagabonding over, now what?”

  1. Liv Says:

    Abha, I’m sorry to hear that readjusting is a little strange right now. Career is important, though – and from your earlier posts, it sounded as though teaching English wasn’t fulfilling you. Wouldn’t it be great to have it all … career and vagabonding? Some people seem to have done it, so it’s apparently possible but I guess there has to be some “off” time or some “preparation” time.

    It can’t be the end of the vagabonding. As you said, you’ve done it once and you’ll do it again. But just take it easy for a while – that’s okay, too. At least I hope ….

  2. Christine Gilbert Says:

    Hi Abha,

    Thanks for the shout out! I’m a “she” though 🙂

  3. jquaglia Says:

    Abha, I always enjoy your perspective, because I feel I can relate. The difference is one thing: you have gone vagabonding.

    While I must admit that I am quite passionate about the subject, I have yet to make it happen for myself. I think I will get there someday–maybe not to the extent of some of the accomplished travelers on this site–but vagabonding to some extent. I would like to find a way to make it part of my career and life as I move forward (don’t we all).

    Anyways, what I mean to say is that I think of vagabonding kind of like a great relationship ending and the old saying “I’d rather have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.” While cliche maybe, it’s a lot like vagabonding. You can always work up the energy and prioritize your life to go vagabonding again, but it will be different. Those experiences you had are now gone but with you in memory forever, like a great relationship now gone.

    Don’t mean to discourage you from pursuing it further, but also don’t forget to appreciate the time and experiences you had on the road. Having done it is a huge accomplishment many people dream about but not many achieve.

  4. Abha Says:

    Liv and jquaglia: Thank you for your comments, I’m sorry it’s taken me a while to post back on here. I’m doing much better, thanks. As you said, Liv, it would be great to have it all, till then you can always go vagabonding again.

    Jquaglia: What are you waiting for! JUST DO IT. I promise you, you will not regret a second.

    Christine: Sorry for the mix-up there 🙂