Travel need not be “extreme” for it to affect your life

“Eventually I realized that many of the most important changes in my life had come about because of my travel experiences. For, however tame when compared to the excursion of real adventurers, these trips were genuine adventures for me: I struggled with my fears and limitations, and I learned whatever I was able to learn.”
–Michael Crichton, Travels (1988)

Posted by | Comments (1)  | June 8, 2004
Category: Travel Quote of the Day

One Response to “Travel need not be “extreme” for it to affect your life”

  1. Julie Ann Baker Says:

    Ooooh — good book. I read it many moons ago, and need to read it again. What stuck with me was Chrichton’s willingness to admit the possibility of the supernatural (based on some of his experiences, which could not be convincingly explained by current scientific knowledge). I’d be very curious to learn about any brushes with the supernatural that you’ve had … if you’d care to admit them!