Single Occupancy: Solo female travel blogging

Marsha of Single Occupancy

The cheerfully indomitable Marsha’s blog, Single Occupancy, is well-written, humorous, and packed with links and resources.  She calls it her “love letter” to solo travel — and a bit of a diatribe against those double occupancy rooms and rates.

In a world where people look at women traveling alone, even for a week or two, as completely insane, it’s nice to see more and more texts — blogs, books, magazine articles — written by and for women doing exactly that.  And these are normal, happy women from all walks of life: women who don’t necessarily obsess over the newest fashions or the lightest gear, women who aren’t unnaturally brave or foolhardy…but just really enjoy seeing the world.

Isn’t it interesting that we have a whole subgenre of solo female travel advice — that websites and magazines feel the need to point out that women can travel alone (just like men can!) and it’s okay!  Really!  We’re out of the kitchen at last!  I wish we were all just happily lumped under the category of “solo travelers”, but since there are still assumptions that most solo travelers are male, and since many women might be scared to travel alone without knowing there are other women out there doing exactly that, I’d just like to add another strong, funny lady to a list of resources for anyone who wants to pack up their bags and go.

Posted by | Comments (2)  | September 21, 2010
Category: Female Travelers, Solo Travel

2 Responses to “Single Occupancy: Solo female travel blogging”

  1. Jason Dudley Says:

    I wasn’t aware that solo travelers were stereotyped as being male! Maybe I just keep a certain type of social circle or because I’m not from the States, but I know quite a few girls who go gallivanting all over the place. That being said, I will concede that even the most liberal people might be caught raising an eyebrow when a young girl says she is heading to a country that is considered anti-women. Regardless, I’m stoked that Marsha is getting out there and if she’s helping other young women break stereotypes, great!

  2. Ryan Says:

    Absolutely ridiculous stereotype about solo travelers! I have encountered far more solo female travelers than male. I’ve always wonder why that is?