Rolf Potts on the importance of earning your own way

“Ironically, the best litmus test for measuring your vagabonding gumption is not found in travel, but in the process of earning your freedom to travel. Earning your freedom, of course, involves work — and work is intrinsic to vagabonding for psychic reasons as much as financial ones. To see the psychic importance of work, one need look no further than people who travel the world on family money. Sometimes referred to as “trustafarians”, these folks are among the most visible and least happy wanderers in the travel milieu. Draping themselves in local fashions, they flit from one exotic travel scene to another, compulsively volunteering in local political causes, experimenting with exotic intoxicants, and dabbling in every non-Western religion imaginable. Talk to them, and they

Posted by | Comments (1)  | March 8, 2003
Category: Travel Quote of the Day

One Response to “Rolf Potts on the importance of earning your own way”

  1. Jen Says:

    Good thoughts Rolf. I’ve passed this on to a few people I know that are still in savings mode. Hopefully it will give them some added faith that their adventures two years off will be worth the wait.