Robert D. Kaplan on the importance of true reporting

“Reporting — one of history’s oldest professions, even as it has gone under different names — will survive and prosper, while “journalism” as a respected discipline threatens to dissolve into another branch of the entertainment industry. How will good reporting survive? Individual men and women will slip away from the crowd — away from the panels and seminars, the courses and conferences, away from the writers’ hangouts and e-mail networks — to cultivate loneliness. They will demand of themselves not to write a word about a place or a subject until they know it firsthand. And they will do this out of curiosity — for as the illusion of knowledge grows daily, the reality of places themselves becomes more of a mystery.”
–Robert D. Kaplan, “Cultivating Loneliness“, Columbia Journalism Review, Jan-Feb 2006

Posted by | Comments (2)  | November 27, 2006
Category: Travel Quote of the Day

2 Responses to “Robert D. Kaplan on the importance of true reporting”

  1. Katelyn Says:

    What a phenomenal essay. Thanks for the blurb and the link to it.

    So many travelers are cultivating loneliness while bringing out the extrovert shards in the writer’s soul. It’s counter-intuitive, but they’re hermits, as you’ve said elsewhere. Cultivating loneliness by getting at truth.

  2. Brian Says:

    Wow, outstanding essay.