More good words from Vagabonding readers

I’m still working away in seclusion up in northern Kansas, but I wanted to pop online and post a few items — including the quote above, as well as some recent missives from Vagabonding readers. Over two years after the book came out, it’s great to hear letters like this:

“I just finished Vagabonding and it is one of the best books that I have read on the subject (and believe me, I read a lot of travel books!). I recently returned from a four month lone backpacking trip (Asia, SE Asia, Oz, NZ, Pacific Islands, Indonesia) and found myself nodding in agreement as I paged through the book. Whenever I tell people about my travels, I get the same response “Oh, I could never do that! It’s too expensive/frightening/I have too many obligations”, etc. It was really encouraging to see in print the same things that I have been telling them for years. I am heading out for my second trip this year (six months in Northern and Eastern Europe), so will be using a lot of the new tips and resources that I picked up. I actually find it quite easy to travel as a woman alone thanks to the Internet, the kindness of locals and fellow travelers and great books like yours. Thanks so much for a great resource!”

…and this:

“I recently came across your book and I’ve been reading your writings ever since. I’ve got to say you are a bit of an inspiration for me. I was born and raised around Parsons, Kansas for the first 18 years of my life. After high school I was dying to get outta there so I joined the Marine Corps. That pretty much put the sweet taste of world travel in my mouth and I’ve been hooked ever since. Now I’m out of the Corps but still traveling. In about 3 days I’m leaving for a trip to Australia. It’s my first trip Down Under and I’m stoked. Anyhow I just wanted to let you know that your writings have inspired me and I’m focusing on taking more away from my travels than a hangover.”

…and this:

“I couldn’t wait for your book any longer by mail so I went out and bought another copy (it finally did arrive the day I finished it). I’m glad I have an extra copy because after reading it I think it will be the perfect book to give to my parents so they better understand what I’m doing. I can’t tell you how much your book meant to me. Thank you. Once I started reading it I couldn’t stop until it was finished. You put into words what I had been feeling for the last 6 months.”

Posted by | Comments Off on More good words from Vagabonding readers  | April 19, 2005
Category: Rolf's News and Updates

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