Making your dream happen

I’m sure you’ve heard the excuses. I know I’ve heard more of ‘em than I ever thought existed.

  • I don’t have time
  • I don’t have money
  • I have responsibilities
  • I would love to, but…

In the end there are a million reasons not to live your dream, but all you really need are a small handful of reasons to do it. It all comes down to priorities.

If you are happy with your life at the moment, then there’s nothing you need to change. If, however, there is something you’re not happy with, it’s up to you to change it.

You have a choice. You can continue doing what you’ve been doing and you’ll get the same things you’ve been getting. If you want something different, you need to do something different. You know the saying: Insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different outcome. It’s true.

Set your priorities in life and then take steps to get there. It won’t be easy. It won’t come without work. Your dream won’t fall in your lap. YOU make that dream happen.

When we decided to ride our bikes from one end of the world to the other, we worked toward it with an undying sense of commitment and passion. Every action and thought was focused on making that dream come true. We woke up in the morning and thought about what steps we would take that day and in the evening we looked back on the progress we made. Baby steps to be sure, but they were steps in the right direction.

As I look back on that time period now, I realize there were three key attitudes and beliefs that were in place in order for us to make our dreams happen.

Believe in your dream and in your ability to do it

We knew we could do it. We knew it was possible for us to pedal from one end of the world to the other. We knew it wouldn’t be easy and we knew it would be a whole bunch of little bike rides, but we knew we could do it. If you don’t truly believe you can do it, you won’t even try.

Know that you want to do it

I think this is the biggest stumbling block around. Is your dream an all-consuming passion? Is it something you are willing to truly give your all to? If not, I’ll guarantee something else will come along that will distract you.

Be willing to sacrifice for it

Is your dream something that you’d kinda, sorta like to do but not something you’re willing to pay the price for? Whenever I walk around the store I see a whole lot of things I’d kinda, sorta like to have, but decide they aren’t worth the price. Dreams are like that too – they’ll cost, but are oh-so-worth-it when you’ve got the exact dream you want. Are you willing to dedicate years of your life to your dream?

The clock is ticking. You can never go back. Take advantage of every moment now – before it’s too late.

 Nancy Sathre-Vogel is a long-time teacher who quit her job, jumped on a bike, and pedaled from Alaska to Argentina with her family. Now she lives in Boise, Idaho, and is about to release her book about their experiences. Changing Gears: A Family Odyssey to the End of the World will be available in March.

Posted by | Comments Off on Making your dream happen  | January 22, 2013
Category: General

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