Long term travel: Getting started

I like to find websites written and maintained by people who have been on the road for an extended period of time. This is because, before you take the first step, you consistently need all the encouragement and inspiration you can get.

My latest find is the Indie Travel Guide and Podcast run by Kiwi couple — Craig and Linda Martin — who have been on the road for the last 3 years, and are currently in Perth, Australia.

Their websites are, although a bit cluttered, full of resources and tips — all based on personal experience gathered as they travel. On the second Friday of each month, they review a product or service that they found useful. On the last week of the month they bring you an interview with someone they’ve met along the way. Their podcasts are long and have a lot of personal chatter, but they’re quite likeable, so it’s OK.

Their latest article appeared on Almost Fearless (another great travel resource incase you are not already familiar with it), and it offers some tips on getting started with your vagabonding adventure; you can read the entire piece here.

There are two basic yet important lines from the piece I’d like to highlight and add to:

It isn’t too late to break free:
There is never a “good” time. You just have to plan it, set a deadline, and do it. And no matter where you are, what you do, or how old you are, it’s never too late.

Travel isn’t as expensive as you think it is:
When you travel you can live on much less than you do normally. You don’t have to pay rent and you can’t accumulate crap because you are always on the move. So as long as you have a little bit saved up and some skill you are willing to use to earn your living while you travel, you are set. I taught English for almost two-years and had more dispensible income than people with fixed jobs.

(For those who have taken the leap and are preparing for the trip):
Don’t confuse buying things with preparing: Remember that there are supermarkets EVERYWHERE. If there isn’t one in the village you choose to stop in, there will definitely be one around there. So don’t spend money buying things you *might* need, you can always pick things up on the way if you need to. This will help you save money and travel light.

Now get planning!

Posted by | Comments (3)  | November 11, 2008
Category: General

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