Lonely Planet revives its cycling guides

Cycling Italy, new edition.

Cycling Italy, new edition.

The New York Times “In Transit” travel blog reports that Lonely Planet is re-introducing its cycling guides. The company noticed that out-of-print editions were selling for many times their listed price on websites like Ebay.

This shows biking is making a comeback (or was it never away?). In any case, it’s great to hear that more travelers are getting on the pedals.  Especially in more rural areas not really served by public transportation, bikes  are a great way to get around.

How do you guys feel about this? Are there any cycling guides you’d recommend over the Lonely Planet ones?

Some places are also much more suited to biking than others. Want to name your top picks for that magic ride?  Put them in the comments.

Posted by | Comments (7)  | September 25, 2009
Category: Travel News

7 Responses to “Lonely Planet revives its cycling guides”

  1. Brett Says:

    My brother recently biked through Germany, and just used a good old-fashioned map. (Alright, it was a German-engineered bike path map.)

    As for destinations, I’m partial to the perimeter of Nova Scotia…

  2. Travel-Writers-Exchange.com Says:

    Was unaware that Lonely Planet had cycling guides. Will pass this information onto our readers. A cycling trip would be an adventure and a great workout 🙂

  3. ruzz Says:

    Nebraska! I’m not kidding—https://bit.ly/3cOBLx

  4. Dave Says:

    Interesting – I wasn’t aware of this series either. I also noticed the Travel section of last Sunday’s Washington Post was a dedicated “cycling” issue. I’m always impressed by people willing to travel long distances by bicycle.

  5. Ilaria Says:

    Hi guys,
    a great guide will be available soon “BASILICATA- southern Italy cycling guide”.
    Keep you up-to-dated at https://www.discoverbasilicata.com/uk/
    and come soon to visit us!

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