Literature as a social icebreaker

Through the travel website World Hum I discovered an essay that begins with a unique question: “Could geeking out over a mutually beloved novel surpass even alcohol as the ultimate social icebreaker?”

What do you think? Have you bonded with someone because of a novel?

I have!

Bryan Basamanowicz then continues to say, “Quite like the bond formed between travelers on similar journeys, the bond formed around a favorite novel is one of shared immersive experience, usually open to impossibly wide interpretations.”

For me the novel was “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho. I had a long standing affection for the book; so when a new hostel roommate (whom I hadn’t met or seen) had left an English copy of it on her bed, I felt compelled to ask her what she thought of it.

book I saw on the hostel bed

Turned out she hadn’t finished reading it yet, however, we became friends anyway; explored the city for a few days together and eventually discussed the book when she was done with it.

Posted by | Comments (1)  | June 7, 2012
Category: General

One Response to “Literature as a social icebreaker”

  1. DEK Says:

    A book is a good conversation-starter, in the coffee shop at the student union or on the Spanish Steps. It also signals your language and warns you away from fools.