How has travel pushed you out of your comfort zone?

Yellow danger sign.

Yellow danger sign. Photo: flattop341 / Flickr

You get into some crazy situations when you travel. The food you eat, the people you meet and the things you see. Yet on later reflection, those are the same things that build character and allow you to evolve as a person. Derek Sivers described this well in his blog post: Push, push, push. Expanding your comfort zone.

Sivers delivers a rapid-fire blast of outrageous experiences: from diplomacy in Mongolia to being 40 feet underwater with an overzealous diving instructor. These are the kinds of war stories that travelers love to collect and share with each other.

In what ways has going abroad pushed you out of your comfort zone? Please share your stories in the comments.

Posted by | Comments (1)  | August 13, 2012
Category: Notes from the collective travel mind

One Response to “How has travel pushed you out of your comfort zone?”

  1. WNK Says:

    Food is such an issue. I once went to Tanzania and we had some stand off with the waiter because what we know in Kenya as Ugali, they were calling it in different way.