How do you cope with the post-trip blues?

sadpostitIt happens almost every time. I return home from a trip and, once the jet lag wears off, I find myself feeling a little down. The expectations I had before the trip, and the freedom and wonder I experienced on the road have been replaced with a vague feeling of sadness, a sense of “blah”.  It seems normal enough, I suppose. Just like brides say they go into “planning withdrawal” once the wedding is over, I feel a little sad post-trip. My days of imagining all the experiences I’ll have are over, and though I wouldn’t trade those experiences for anything, the lack of anticipation leaves a little void. And after days of excitement and discovery, it takes a bit of time to readjust to the routines of home.

I love my home, of course. I love my city, I love sleeping in my own bed, and I love the two fats cats I leave behind when I travel. I’m always glad to be home when I am, but there’s still a part of me that feels a little bit of withdrawal when I first return from a trip.

To deal with this “post-trip blues” I employ a number of tactics. First, I try to get back into a routine as quickly as possible. Sure, I’d love to laze around all day reminiscing about the great times I had and processing my thoughts on what I’ve seen and experienced, but there’s work to be done. Getting back to my daily routine helps keep my mind off the post-travel funk. When I have breaks, I write about my trip, I reread the notes I made while traveling, and I download (and look at, maybe a few too many times) all the photos and video I took along the way. Reliving the great experiences I had helps me hang on to that feeling of exuberance and discovery.

I usually start planning my next trip almost immediately. Even if I don’t have the funds yet to actually buy plane tickets, I’ll start scouting out destinations I want to visit and the things I want to do while there. I love knowing that I will be traveling again soon. But, I also make lots of plans with friends and family after a trip. This way, while I know that I have more travels to look forward to, I also have plenty of excitement to enjoy at home. Even more than planning another trip, reconnecting with the people I love at home is a surefire way to cure any remaining post-travel blues.

Do you experience a little bit of travel withdrawal after a big trip? How do you cope with the post-trip blues?

Photo credit: anitacanita via Flickr

Posted by | Comments (5)  | January 6, 2010
Category: Vagabonding Life

5 Responses to “How do you cope with the post-trip blues?”

  1. Dealing with Post-Trip Blues Says:

    […] at Vagabonding offered up a few tactics to combat post-trip blues including returning to a routine as quickly as possible, write about the trip, and planning the […]

  2. Johnny Vagabond Says:

    I generally drink heavily and then begin planning my next adventure 🙂

  3. Bianca Says:

    Hi! I don’t know yet, actually. I guess I never felt it. But the discovery that long trips might give place to these kind of feelings is one of the reasons that I decided to travel the world, for one year, starting next month! I even wrote a post about it, on my blog.

    I really hope that it doesn’t happen to me, but I’m ready to experience, if that’s the price to pay.
    I will keep your tips handy, to use them if necessary upon my return. Thanks!

  4. Hani Says:

    How interesting that you would mention this! I recently came back from a trip to Bali and the post trip blues was pretty intense. Yes, I do think getting back into routine and quickly planning your next trip helps a lot. I personally meditate as well. Morning meditations help to set the tone of the day, energizes me and gets me raring to go! Thanks for this article 🙂