How did I get here?

As a vagabonder, and a woman, I sometimes reflect on how it is I ended up feeling like a Vagabonder in the first place.  Especially since it has caused a lot of difficulties in my personal relationships…being the one who’s always on the go means being the one who’s always leaving people behind.

As vagabonders, we find ourselves seeking, not running away.  We’re not necessarily looking for anything except adventure, enjoyment, meeting new people.  “So why can’t you do that at home?” I’ve been asked more than once.  And the answer is: you can.  But why limit yourself?

I don’t think there has ever been any one defining moment that made me feel nomadism was the “right” way to be; I’ve just always known that wandering was more fun than staying still.  I started as a kid with my mother on two-week vacations, and graduated to a Rotary Exchange program as a teenager — and recently received another Rotary scholarship for study in Australia.

Right after graduating high school, I worked for seven months and then went to Europe and Morocco to wander for six months under my own steam.  I’ve taken conference trips, resort vacations, and a week-long jaunt to Honduras to get my open water diving certification.  Recently, I’ve been on tour through Canada and the US…I’ve been going since May and show no signs of stopping so far.

How did you know you were a wanderer?  Where was your first trip?  How did you get there?

Posted by | Comments (3)  | September 29, 2008
Category: General

3 Responses to “How did I get here?”

  1. » Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship Information :: Vagablogging :: Rolf Potts Vagabonding Blog Says:

    […] mentioned a little bit about this scholarship in an earlier post I made on this blog, but I felt it warranted a bit more interest all on its own. Rotary […]