Finding Worthwhile Travel Companions

I have found out that there ain’t no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them. – Mark Twain

Traveling in groups has its benefits. It can be more cost-effective, you’re pulled into such interesting experiences, and it could be a good way to bond with people you love. However, the best friends don’t always make the best travel companions. I had to learn this lesson the hard way, losing my money and worse, my time, on group trips that were only about junk food and visiting a far off Starbucks branch (they’re roughly the same everywhere). Is there a way to experience the benefits of group travel without sticking with those whose travel styles are different from yours?

Sometimes, people you aren’t really close to can make excellent travel companions. Look outside your circle of friends and interact with acquaintances that seem to be interested in your kind of travel. Don’t worry so much about how to communicate with these people who don’t know much about you. You’ll find that talking about travel will allow you to connect easily, even if you don’t have much else in common.

You can also take the search online. There are several web-based travel communities that will allow you to meet like-minded people and, hopefully, a new travel companion. Some examples include TravBuddy and Solo Traveller. Alternatively, you can use your existing social networking tools such as Facebook to look for existing travel groups.

Or, if all else fails, don’t forget that you’re already with your perfect travel companion – yourself.

Who is your ideal travel companion? How have your travel companions affected your trip?

Posted by | Comments (3)  | September 18, 2008
Category: General

3 Responses to “Finding Worthwhile Travel Companions”

  1. Finding Worthwhile Travel Companions | 101 Articles Says:

    […] po­st­: Fi­n­d­i­n­g Wo­r­t­hwhi­le T­r­avel C­o… You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, […]

  2. LaurenK Says:

    What traveler hasn’t learned this the hard way, besides the lucky one. Great post and I couldn’t agree more. Finding the perfect travel companion is so much about trial and error,, knowing what kind of traveler you are, and good communication skills. Also, great links. I hadn’t heard of either of those.

  3. Jennifer G Says:

    Finding a good travel companion can be tough, the friend who you thought would make a good partner turns out to be a nightmare who gets homesick. Sometimes just traveling with someone who is like minded can be enough. You don’t have to be close, just share a common interest.

    Check out for like-minded travelers. Its a social networking site so you can meet and chat with people and share tips too.