Ed Buryn on the unexpected

“Bear in mind that the special advantage of vagabonding is the experience of not really knowing what happens next, which you can obtain at bargain rates in all cases. This kind of happy uncertainty keeps you in the qui vive, the best stance for seeing and learning. You don’t know who you’ll meet, what experiences you’ll have by staying out of the rut, what things you’ll learn that aren’t in the guidebooks. …The challenges you face offer no alternative but to cope with them. And in doing that, your life is being fully lived.”
–Ed Buryn, Vagabonding in Europe and North Africa (1971)

I discovered Ed Buryn’s Vagabonding books in a Tel Aviv bookstore over a year after my Vagabonding column debuted in Salon. It was definitely a surreal moment. Buryn had some great insights into travel, however, and I quote him often in my own Vagabonding book.

Posted by | Comments (3)  | December 26, 2002
Category: Travel Quote of the Day

3 Responses to “Ed Buryn on the unexpected”

  1. Franz-Erik Weiss Says:

    Until I finally outgrew it, “Vagabonding in Europe and North Africa” was my bible. I loved it so much that when I found a 1st. Edition in a second-hand bookshop (in Penang, Malaysia) I was over the moon with glee for a week! I gave away my paperback copy and cherished the 1st. Edition, hard copy as though it were the original ten commandants! For nearly 30 years I’ve wanted to thank Ed for his work.

    How can I get in touch with him?

  2. Rolf Says:

    To contact Ed, try this link:


  3. Lyla Byrne Says:

    Hi i am just scooting around trying to find out how Buryn is pronounced – coming across this website is interesting in itself and i would lke to look into these books. hope you will have the time to describe to me how to say buryn – thanks – fellow vagabond