Deep involvement in the unexpected makes for the best kind of travel

“The best kind of travel involves a particular state of mind, in which one is not merely open to the occurrence of the unexpected, but to deep involvement in the unexpected, indeed, open to the possibility of having one’s life changed forever by a chance encounter.”
–Elisabeth Eaves, “Wanderlust,” World Hum, Feb. 12, 2009

Posted by | Comments (4)  | February 8, 2010
Category: Travel Quote of the Day

4 Responses to “Deep involvement in the unexpected makes for the best kind of travel”

  1. Says:

    Great quote! When you travel, it’s a good idea not to plan everything about your travels. Go with the flow and see where it takes you. Surprises can be around every corner, if you allow them to flow to you.

  2. David Says:

    This quote suits most to a around the world traveler, who gets to witness the most unexpected.

  3. GypsyGirl Says:

    Thanks for sharing the quote and article Rolf
    David: State of mind follows you ever where you go-the challenge is to keep your eyes and mind open! I have yet to make it around the world, but have had amazing unexpected encounters…

  4. » Being open to possibility :: Vagablogging :: Rolf Potts Vagabonding Blog Says:

    […] Rolf reminded us a few months ago with a quote from Elisabeth Eaves, deep involvement in the unexpected makes for the best kind of travel. Whether on a tour or on your own, in a foreign country or your own backyard, vagabonding has more […]