Curious Expeditions: Delightful website outcome of vagabonding

Sometimes I like to find examples of fun things that vagabonders have done with their lives.  I think that we sometimes get so stuck in a rut, or scared of change, that we can’t imagine any career or creative purpose outside of “travel writer” or possibly “Amazonian tour guide.”  Both of which are pretty darn cool, of course, but difficult enough to get started…and besides, what if that’s not the creative thing you want to do?

Enter Curious Expeditions, a cleverly antiqued website by Michelle Enemark and Dylan Thuras,  which describes itself as being “devoted to unearthing and documenting the wondrous, the macabre, and the obscure from around the globe.”  These two travel a lot, and bring things back — stories, objects, ideas, what have you.  Michelle laughingly points out that she’d like to open her own natural history museum someday…which seems ridiculous until you remember that the first museum in England that was open to the public was a house full of curiosities called The Ark and created by Charles I’s gardener.

What other imaginable, exciting, fabulous ways can you think of to express your Vagabonding creativity?  What drives your lifestyle?

Posted by | Comments (1)  | November 10, 2009
Category: Notes from the collective travel mind

One Response to “Curious Expeditions: Delightful website outcome of vagabonding”

  1. Dylan Says:

    Thanks so much for your kind words, they mean a tremendous amount to us! (Rolf recently mentioned our other project Atlas Obscura on the site as well, so this makes for two happy, blushing moments provided by vagablogging, the admiration is mutual.)

    The museum is coming along, currently existing right now in our very small apartment, but someday, Someday! …it will occupy a slightly bigger apartment.